New Food Industry 2022年 64巻 6月号
Effects of addition of Padina Pavonica extract to the comprehensive nutritional diet on the daily activity for dogs
Authors: Tomohiro Yonezawa1, HakChung Kim1, Yuki Matsuyama1, Mona Uchida1, Eriko Hayashi2, Akira Oshima3, Yasushi Kojo4, Noboru Manabe5*
*Corresponding author: Noboru Manabe 5
Affiliated institutions:
1 Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Laboratory of Veterinary Clinical Pathobiology, The University of Tokyo
[1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8657, JAPAN]
2 Claudia Co., Ltd. [5-1-2, Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0047, JAPAN]
3 Branding & Identity [3F-1-24-9, Mishuku, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-0005, JAPAN]
4 Japan Food Science Laboratory Co., Ltd [1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8657, JAPAN]
5 Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Health Science, Osaka International University
[6-21-57, Tohdacho, Moriguchi-shi, OSAKA, 570-8555, JAPAN]
Key Words: Maltanedienol Antiaging, Dogs, Food prevalence, Gait improvement, Maltanedienol, Padina Pavonica (Linnaeus)
Background and purpose
Padina Pavonica is one of the seaweeds belonging to brown algae. The extract is commonly used as a supplement for humans to improve osteoporosis, knee pain, and skin symptoms associated with aging. In recent years, the antiaging diet and/or additives has been focused on even in dogs. In this study, we investigated the effects of the addition of Padina Pavonica extract on the activity, gait, and skin condition of dogs, based on the questionnaire survey of dog owners.
Materials and methods
A comprehensive nutritional diet originally developed for elder dogs was utilized. The diet with/without Padina Pavonica extract were produced. The feeding period was 3 months, and questionnaires were conducted at the start, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd months, and the blood examinations were performed at the start and end of the feeding period of the Padina-diet. After a one-month washout, the Padina-free diet was started and evaluated in the same way.
Results and discussion
Seventeen dogs were included. The average age was 9.1 years and the average weight was 7.35 kg. Throughout the three months of feeding the Padina-diet, the activity, body odor, halitosis, satiety, motility as motivation to walk, gait, coat, skin and hair conditions, and attitude as calmness were statistically improved. There were no changes in the evaluations of food palatability and learning ability. No statistical changes on the questionnaire were observed during the Padina-free diet feeding period. Two out of 17 animals had a quite low palatability for the Padina-diet and were dropped out just after the start of the period. One dog had transient skin redness one and a half months after the start of the diet, which was not clearly proved to be related to the diet. Complete blood counts and blood chemistry tests showed no clinically harmful changes in any dogs.
It is suggested that the Padina Pavonica extract is useful as a food additive for the purpose of improving the activity, gait, and skin condition of elderly dogs. It could be better to feed it with paying attention to his food palatability and food allergies.
パディナ・パボニカ(Padina Pavonica)は褐藻類に属する海藻の一種で,その抽出物は老化に伴う骨粗鬆症,膝痛,皮膚症状の改善を目的としたヒト用サプリメントとして利用されている。近年,犬においても老化に対する食事療法が脚光を浴びている。そこで本研究では,パディナ・パボニカ抽出物の添加が,犬の活動性,歩様,皮膚の状態に及ぼす影響を,飼い主へのアンケート調査を主軸に調査した。
17頭の犬が組み入れられた。平均年齢は9.1歳,平均体重は7.35 kgであった。パディナ含有フードを食した3か月間において,活動性,体臭・口臭,満腹度,運動性(歩く意欲,歩様),毛並み,皮膚・脱毛症状,態度(落ち着き)の評価が有意に改善した。一方で,食いつきの良さ,学習能力については変化がなかった。パディナ不含フードを食した3か月間においては,どの評価項目においても統計的に有意な変動を認めなかった。嗜好性には個体差があり,17頭中2頭では常食することができず,開始後すぐにドロップアウトした。また1頭では,食事との関連性は不明であるものの,食事開始から1か月半後に一過性の皮膚の発赤があった。全血球計算,血液化学検査では,臨床的に有害と思われる変動は認められなかった。
具 然和 (GU Yeunhwa , 山下 剛範 (YAMASHITA Takenori), 井上 登太 (INOUE Tota)
Radiation protection effect in blood cells and anti-inflammatory effect of stomatitis during radiation therapy by flavonoid.
Authors: Yeunhwa Gu 1, Takenori Yamashita 2 and Tota Inoue 3
*Correspondence author: Yeunhwa Gu 1
Affiliated institution:
1 Chairperson International Affairs Department of Radiological Science, Graduate School of Health Science, Faculty of Health Science Junshin Gakuen University
[1-1-1 Chikushigaoka, Minami-ku, Fukuoka 815-8510 Japan.]
2 Suzuka University of Medical Science
3 Mie breathing swallowing rehabilitation clinic
Key Words: Radiation protection effect, Lymphocytes, Anti-inflammatory effect, Stomatitis, Flavonoid.
From the viewpoint that flavonoids, which are currently attracting attention in the field of cancer treatment, may be effective against radiation damage, the effect of repairing oral inflammation was investigated in this experiment, and the oral cavity by radiation was studied. The aim of this experiment is to provide data on internal inflammation repair agents. In the previous experiment last year, 2Gy irradiation was performed, but this time, 4Gy and 8Gy irradiation were performed.
Flavonoids have low activity by themselves, and sodium alginate (AL-G), which is actually used in clinical settings, is a sticky substance extracted from brown algae that adheres to the mucous membrane and acts as a film protector. PVP is a linear polymer and is similar in structure and shape to AL-G, and both AL-G and PVP were used as a contrast group for the flavonoid group.
As an experimental method, for the 2Gy irradiation of the previous experiment, physiological saline, AL-G, and PVP were forcibly administered to the mice irradiated with 4Gy and 8Gy, and the body weight was measured every day, and the rate of change was not changed in compared with mouse. Furthermore, the oral mucosal tissue was taken out and fixed. After that, HE staining and various antibody staining were performed on the sections, and the oral mucosal tissue of each group of mice was observed under a microscope.
In conclusion, flavonoids were able to reduce the occurrence of apoptosis and pyknosis in the oral mucosa by 2y irradiation, whereas the same effect was seen in this 4Gy and 8Gy irradiation. Microscopic observation of the sections stained with various antibodies confirmed the repair effect of flavonoids on oral inflammation.
バイオ資源利用科学 2
兎束 保之(UZUKA Yasuyuki) 山梨大学名誉教授
第2章 乳製品の知識と製造の基本原理
伊藤 敞敏 東北大学名誉教授
昨年,2021年3月に伊藤敞敏先生がご逝去されました。弊誌では追悼の意を込めて,伊藤先生が教科書として最後の書き下ろし著書となった「ミルク 志向の食品」に掲載された内容を,本誌へ連載掲載してきましたが、今回は最終回となります。
News Release
「第4回 林原ライフセミナー」 ~口の健康,アンチエイジング~