New Food Industry 2023年 65巻 1月号

Methylene blue staining of glucomannan granules obtained from heated konjac corms

釘宮 正往 (KUGIMIYA Masayuki),大野 婦美子 (OHNO Fumiko),石永 正隆 (ISHINAGA Masataka)
Authors: Masayuki Kugimiya 1*, Fumiko Ohno 2 and Masataka Ishinaga 3
*Corresponding author: Masayuki Kugimiya

1, 2 Former Kurashiki Sakuyo University, The Faculty of Food Culture
3 Sanyo Women's College
 The surface of glucomannan (GM) granules without deposits, obtained by the blending treatment of the konjac corms in a 45% ethanol solution, which were heated at 120℃ for 30 minutes in advance, was stained blue with methylene blue (MB). This staining was inhibited by the presence of low concentrations of sodium chloride (0.012M or higher concentration). This inhibition was attributed to electrostatic shielding. On the other hand, the surfaces of GM granules without deposits obtained by crushing or grinding heated konjac corms to avoid contact with metal or glass were also stained blue. Both boiled and steamed konjac corms prepared by heating at 100℃ for 30 minutes were stained with MB in the same way as at 120℃. In addition, some of the edible konjac crumbles (precipitates) in a 45% ethanol solution were stained with MB. These results and discussion suggest that the MB staining of GM granules or GM obtained from heated konjac corms and edible konjac is attributed to negative electrostatic charges caused by structural changes on the surface of GM granules due to heating.

解 説

PQQの体脂肪減少機能 −肥満マウス,ミジンコおよび脂肪細胞からのエビデンス−
Pyrroloquinoline Quinone In Reducing Body Fat Function -The evidence from Obese Mice, Daphnia magna and Adipocytes studies-

辻󠄀 シャフィカ (TSUJI Syafiqah),   池本 一人 (IKEMOTO Kazuto),赤川 貢 (AKAGAWA Mitsugu)
Authors: Nur Syafiqah Mohamad Ishak 1,  Kazuto Ikemoto 1* and Mitsugu Akagawa 2
*Corresponding author: Kazuto Ikemoto

1 Niigata Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.
2 Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University. 
  Obesity is a significant public health issue and requires an effective countermeasure. Supplementation with functional food ingredient pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt (PQQ) has shown to improve brain function. Our study revealed PQQ function of reducing body fat. In obese mouse experiment, we found that PQQ supplementation reduced body fat of high-fat fed mice, especially the visceral fat.
  Moreover, PQQ supplementation prevented muscle loss due to the obesity. In a model experiment of daphnia, the effect of PQQ was confirmed to be equal to 30% calorie restriction. Additionally, experiments using adipocytes revealed that PQQ reduced the lipids in cell and increased the quantity of mitochondria. After investigating the mechanism, it is revealed that PQQ could inhibit the fatty acids production and suppress fat accumulation by improving fat metabolism via mitochondria biogenesis. We expect that PQQ could contribute to improve people's health as diet supplement. 


Charistiane Schineider Machado, et al. 訳:山路 明俊 (YAMAJI Akitoshi)

要 約
ブラジルのMato Grosso do Sul(EEP-Y MS)地域のイエロープロポリスの化学組成と生化学的活性の研究が最初で,グリーン,ブラウン,レッドプロポリスとキューバのイエロープロポリスとの比較研究が実施された。その結果,EEP-Y MSは,異なる細胞毒性と抗菌活性,異なる性質の組成を有し,ブラジル産プロポリスの変種である。イエロープロポリスには,フェノール化合物が存在せず,脂肪族化合物の混合物が存在することが1H-NMRスペクトル法分析で解析され,GC-MSで15種類のテルペン類が同定された。EEP-Y MSは,ヒトの腫瘍株OVCAR-8に対し毒性を示したが,グラム陰性,グラム陽性には,活性を示さなかった。我々の結果は,多様な地域由来のプロポリスに対する均一の品質基準を設定する事は困難であることを示した。イエロータイププロポリスの最も適切な薬理学的な活用については,さらなる研究が必要である。

Hypoglycemic Effect of Mountain Caviar (Fruit of Kochia Scoparia) Extract on Postprandial Hyperglycemia 

 下田 博司(SHIMODA Hiroshi)

マウンテンキャビアはホウキギ(Kochia scoparia)の果実であり,最近ではコキアの名称で観賞用に広く栽培されている。また秋田県大館市の特産品に「とんぶり(ホウキギの成熟果実の加工品)」があり,プチプチとした食感やその見た目がキャビアに似ていることから「畑のキャビア」とも呼ばれている。一方,中国では「地膚子(ジフシ)」と呼ばれ,後漢時代の「神農本草経」には「膀胱の熱をとる,小便の出をよくする,腎の気を補う,長く服用すれば耳や目が聡明になり,身軽になり,老化を抑える」と記載され,2000年以上にわたり生薬として使用されてきた歴史がある。日本には平安時代に中国より渡来したとされ,江戸時代の文献である「農業全書」や「歌謡」にはホウキギの栽培の記録があり,平安時代から,茎は箒の原料として使用(ホウキギの名の由来)され,果実は精進料理などの特別な機会に食されていた。

シリーズ EQUATOR Networkが提供するガイドラインの紹介

― CONSORT 2010声明: ランダム化パイロット試験およびフィージビリティ試験への拡張版(1)―
Introduction to Guidelines Provided by the EQUATOR Network.
— CONSORT 2010 Statement: Extension to Randomised Pilot and Feasibility Trials —

鈴木 直子 (SUZUKI Naoko),野田 和彦 (NODA Kazuhiko),波多野  絵梨(HATANO Eri),金子 拓矢 (KANEKO Takuya),中村 駿一 (NAKAMURA Shunichi),LIU XUN,LAI RICHARD SUN-KWONG,柿沼 俊光 (KAKINUMA Toshihiro),馬場  亜沙美 (BABA Asami),山本 和雄 (YAMAMOTO Kazuo)

 臨床試験の計画や結果報告をする際に,ガイドラインに準拠することは,臨床試験の質を一定以上保たせるために重要である。それらの臨床試験で使われているガイドラインは,「EQUATOR Network」に集約されており,このサイトでは適切なガイドラインを検索しやすいように整備されている。これまでに,CONSORT声明やSPIRIT声明などの各種ガイドラインは日本語訳されてきたが,その多くは,2群間並行ランダム化比較試験におけるガイドラインである。特定のタイプの試験によっては,上記ガイドラインでは不十分であることから,試験デザインに合わせて,拡張版(extension)が開発されている。そこで,本シリーズでは,EQUATOR Networkが提供する,翻訳されていない拡張版ガイドラインを紹介していく。第1回目は,「CONSORT 2010声明:ランダム化パイロット試験およびフィージビリティ試験への拡張版」を紹介する。

New year's essay
Potential Effect of Price Inflation on ESG Investments in Japan

Ryusuke Oishi

  In recent years, the world is facing various changes. As a result, global interest in sustainability has increased. Firms and investors have begun to focus on environment, social and governance (ESG) investments. Unlike other investment activities, ESG investment activities contribute to surrounding communities by improving ESG. Although Japan had been passive in ESG investment activities as compared with Europe and the US, interest in ESG investment is growing in Japan. However, the recent rapid depreciation of the yen in relation to other currencies and the price inflation in Japan would have negative impacts on ESG investment in Japan. Specifically, the price inflation can put pressure on consumers’ lives and corporate management. Thus, firms may be unable to undertake ESG investment. This argument points out one of the disadvantages of ESG investment (i.e. taking a long time to realise its outcome). To overcome this issue, stabilising price levels and economic conditions in Japan, as well as ensuring corporate management that can withstand medium- to long-term investment, is necessary.



岡 希太郎 (OKA Kitaro)


世界のメディカルハーブ No.4


渡辺 肇子(WATANABE Hatsuko)



総 説 老化とフレイル —フレイルに対処するには—

坂上 宏(SAKAGAMI Hiroshi)

 There is a trend toward longer healthy life expectancy and shorter duration of care. Aging is characterized by the appearance of physiological decline and aging markers throughout the body and in various organ. AGEs (late glycation products) are implicated in many etiologies. Factors that increase the life expectancy include intellectual aspirations, and physical and mental health. Frail (frailty) is a state in which motor, cognitive, and other functions decline with age, and vulnerability emerges, but with appropriate intervention, the person has the plasticity to return from a state of care to a healthy state. Decline of muscle mass and tone (sarcopenia) is followed by gait dysfunction (locomotive syndrome), and decreased vital functions, finally leading to frail. The assessment of frail is based on ADL (activities of daily living), athletic ability, oral function, social skills, nutrition, cognitive function, and depression.
  Exercise, sunbathing, protein intake, oral care, and social interaction are effective in preventing the onset of frail. Start with small doses of medications due to the high frequency of adverse drug events in the elderly. They are prone to falls due to the increasing numbers of medications and resulting comorbidities, the increasing risks of death due to poor medication adherence, the difficulty in taking medications due to poor swallowing function, and the cognitive dysfunction due to hearing and vision loss. Drugs that decrease cognitive function should be administered with special caution.
 健康寿命が延び,介護期間が短くなる傾向がみられる。加齢とともに,全身および各臓器の生理的老化や老化マーカーの発現が進行する。AGEs(後期糖化生成物)が多くの病因に関与する。寿命を延ばす因子の中には,知的向上心や身体的・精神的健全性も含まれる。フレイルは,加齢とともに運動機能や認知機能等が低下し,脆弱性が現れた状態であるが,適切な介入により介護状態から健常な状態に戻るという可塑性を有する。筋量・筋肉の減少(サルコペニア)に続き,歩行機能障害(ロコモティブシンドローム)が出現し,そして,生活機能低下によりフレイルに至る。フレイルの評価法は,ADL(日常生活動作),運動,口腔機能,社会性,栄養,認知機能,抑うつ状態等に基づいている。フレイルの発症予防には,運動能,日光浴,タンパク質の摂取,口腔ケア,人との交流が有効である。高齢者では薬物有害事象の頻度が高く,少量の薬剤投与から開始する。合併疾患数 /服用薬剤数の増加による転倒,服薬アドヒアランスの低下による死亡リスクの増加,嚥下機能低下による服薬困難,難聴や視力低下による認知機能障害に陥りやすい。認知機能を低下する薬剤は,慎重投与が必要である。

解 説 高齢者・障がい者における食の問題

大岡  貴史(OOKA Takafumi)


解 説 オーラルフレイルと“健口”習慣
Oral Frail and Habits for a "Healthy Mouth"

島村 直宏(SHIMAMURA Naohiro),  島村 結岐乃(SHIMAMURA Yukino),  肖 黎(XIAO Li)


Authors: Naohiro Shimamura , Yukino Shimamura, Li Xiao

 Oral frail is a growing problem in our aging society. In elderly population, oral function will rapidly decline if the mild oral hypofunction (such as dysphagia and dysarthria) is overlooked.  Oral frail is gaining attention as an important sign that indicates the beginning of systemic frailty. When an elderly person shows signs of mental or physical decline, it is important to know whether it is "aging" that does not interfere with daily life, a stage of "frail" that may lead to the need for nursing care. Early detection and treatment of frailty can improve mental and physical functions and delay the progression of frailty-related  diseases.

Oral frail: Lifestyle awareness to prevent and how to maintain good oral health.

Alejandro Mena Acra. (Autonomus University of the State of Mexico (UAEM)

For several years now, worldwide experts have been talking about oral health challenges such as caries and periodontal disease prevention, behavioral change, dentin hypersensitivity, from pregnancy to adulthood. It has been not so long time ago when we started discussing on the oral challenges of the aging population. Global demography is shifting, and ageing populations are projected to grow exponentially. Such population growth projections over the next decade are worrying, raising concerns that resources might be unable to satisfy the health demands of almost 9 billion people. Getting older is accompanied with increasing physical limitations and a gradual decline in body function. In the oral health domain, this is known as “oral frailty”, a concept that impacts general health, wellbeing, and quality of life and whose prevention helps the patients to extend their healthy lifespan. 1

Oral health as a sign of a healthy lifestyle in the prevention of frailty syndrome

PhD. Paola Ariselda Sánchez-Reyna and PhD. Norma Margarita Montiel-Bastida (Faculty of Dentistry of the University Autonomous of the State of Mexico.)

In recent years, there is a growing public interest in a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity. Many investigations suggest that diet is the main requirement for a healthy life, as important nutrients for the functioning of the human body are obtained through food. 1–5 However, oral health is essential to overall health and well-being, regardless of age, because most diseases can be prevented and treated.6 Poor oral health is common in older adults and can interfere with activities of daily living and contribute to frailty. Early detection of oral disease is essential and easy to manage Most oral diseases can be improved with health promotion behaviors such as oral hygiene instruction. 6 Health behavior types include physical activity, healthy nutrition, medical and protective measures, and behaviors harmful to health. This includes a wide range of health promotion activities such as: preventive and diagnostic tools. Any conduct that affects (for better or worse) a person's health is a health-related behavior. 

Important aspects: Aging, oral frailty & alternative care

Patricia Alejandra Chavez-Granados 1,  Rene Garcia-Contreras 2*
* Corresponding: Rene Garcia-Contreras

1 Interdisciplinary Laboratory Research, Nanostructures and Biomaterials Area, National School of Higher Studies (ENES), Leon Unit, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
2 Nanostructures and Biomaterials Area, National School of Higher Studies (ENES), Leon Unit, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Boulevard UNAM #2011 Col. Predio El Saucillo y El Potrero, San Antonio de Los Tepetates, Zip Code: 37689, León, Guanajuato, México.
 Frailty is a state associated with aging, characterized by an alteration in the physiological state or what has been called a state of homeostasis. In patients entering the frailty stage, oral alterations are predisposing factors to poor quality of life, either due to signs and symptoms of various pathologies or a poor diet that is later reflected at a physical and systemic level. Here we offer a current overview of oral health and its relationship with frailty syndrome, as well as oral health care in frail older adults.

Oral frailty and aging: a two-way connection

Ángel David Paulino-González (Dental Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico.)

Epidemiological data show an aging of the population worldwide. The projections indicate a sustained trend in the coming years. So, it is very important to know the changes and effects that can turn up the oral cavity with aging to provide a dignified attend to this population group.The oral cavity represents the connection pathway between different systems of our body, such as the respiratory and digestive systems. Recently, research has also been carried out on the relationship with the nervous and cardiovascular systems. So, it is important to know the changes that can occur as part of aging, their impact on systemic health, and some preventive care to reduce the impact of this phenomenon through life.